Yes!! Many times! I mix that with my first aid toiletry kits. I usually travel pretty light so I have only a small kit. I went through the whole TSA song and dance in the last week at both PIT and DFW including the handy dandy explosive sniffer and had no trouble. The only things I normally carry that I did not have with me are the afore mentioned sharps. I could have done first aid, started a fire, navigated, and had water to drink, food to eat, meds to take. Since I also carried a diamond-sharpening card in my wallet I probably could have had a usable edge on my fire steels striker (ground down from a saws all blade) in a few minutes.
I keep an eye on the TSA list of prohibited items and am very careful to never carry anything that is illegal. I do as always try to think outside the box.
When the wolf attacks he will find that some who run with the flock are not sheep!