I am a big fan of trekking poles. I have hiked many miles with a pair of these in my hands, and have found them nearly indispensable when carrying a load over rough terrain and moving fast over a long distance. They are great especially when descending steep terrain. I have used single poles before, but much prefer a pair. The wrist straps allow me to still use my hands for basic tasks while moving. If I need my hands to be free, I typically need both hands to be free so the poles stay in the truck.

Currently I have a pair of Leki Ultralights that have held up remarkable well. These poles are light, strong, and comfortable. They also collapse small enough to fit on the side of my pack, so I have them when I need them but can climb and scramble without them. These poles have earned a permanent place in my truck, when there not in use that is…

"Trust in God --and press-check. You cannot ignore danger and call it faith." -Duke