I agree. IV prep was the main reason I carried betadine; I guess I just carry it out of habit now, as I rarely ever carry IVs anymore - the trips the last few years don't really call for that level of preparedness I think of it more as a prep for invasion (IV, surgery, etc.) than anything else.<br><br>In my experiences, no matter what I've done first aid-wise, civilian ER docs ignore you, assume you're a complete incompetent idiot, and re-cleanse a wound even if that is traumatic to the tissue. One of my boys has a hell of a scar as a result of that - wrist to elbow. My experiences with Army and Air Force docs have been much more positive, but then, they knew me personally in most cases. I guess I understand why the ER docs do what they do.<br><br>There are a few dissenters regarding betadine as a wound cleansing agent from what I've read - not strong dissentions. Sterile water with or without a surficant (soap/detergent) has been what I've seem used in ERs to cleanse wounds.<br><br>Alcohol wipes could be used as a drying agent on minor poison ivy type irritations, I suppose, altho it might also spread the oils - I'm not sure.<br><br>Neosporin debates go back and forth. I take middle ground - I use it on minor wounds, but with twice daily airings. My guess is that it makes little difference either way if the wound was cleansed and the patient is otherwise healthy, but I'm not educated in that area, so my opinion is just that - an opinion.