Chris,<br><br>Now that you have made fun of where I live and the people that happen to be my friends and co-workers let me ask you a question. Why should I get involved with such projects like Habatat for Humanity, the Boys and Girls club, or restoring Georgia pines. Do I not already pay enough taxes? Why should I expose myself to youths at risk? It has been proven that people without scruples or initiative take the easiest road. Why should that road end up leading to my door? I know my neighbors, I have worked with a few of them. That is why I bought my house where I did. I have done missionary work in Mexico before and the last time nearly got my family and I killed. I came to realize some people ARE NOT worth reaching out to. I once had you idealism and beliefs in mankind but no more. I wish you all the success in you outreach to those less fortunate.<br>Barracuda<br><br>Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. <br>—Thomas Jefferson <br>