Thanks Ranger,<br><br>I am guessing that you have spent some time in the Rangers. In my short military career I ended up in the 880th engineers and thanks to almost 10 years in the boy scouts I did learn the old motto " be prepared ". When I went looking for a house, away from the city, I carefully considered the area for military importance, food supplies, population and the makeup of said population, proximity to interstate highways, income levels, crime, and the all important defendability of the property. When it comes to weapons You and I think much alike. I love the Ruger 10/22's and since I give firearms instructions at a local range I have found that a 10/22 put into the hands of a first time shooter brings them right into firearms gently. I also keep a Ruger mark 2 for those who want to try pistols out for the first time. I pretty much have firearms covered but food storage and water storage have been my biggest considerations lately. I bought several 30 and 55 gallon plastic food grade drums that had vinegar or soy sauce in them. It really was a pain in the ass to clean them out but I finally got them clean and the water doesn't stink. My thoughts are to fill these with water but how can I preserve the water for long periods of time? Another major problem is food. I keep a good 15 days(for 2 people) worth of canned goods & soups, water, oatmeal, crackers, drinks, tuna fish, and assorted necessities at work and at home probably 3 times that amount. But I wonder if I am missing anything. I have a good medical kit at work, home, and my vehicles. Speaking of vehicles what about long term storage of gasoline? I have propane stored for cooking and heating and that I know never goes bad. What about converting to propane and eliminating gasoline all together? I guess it probably sounds like I might have it all laid out but I want the input of others because I may be missing something and like they say two(or more) heads are better than one. I am part of a small group here in the north Georgia area that are somewhat organized and we have a planning schedule for our members involving supplies. And we even occasionally train together. Probably not nearly enough but at least we have started to organize a co-op unit. I value the constructive input of other "suvivalists". <br>Thanks Again,<br>Barracuda<br><br>Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. <br>—Thomas Jefferson <br>