Interesting question isn't it?<br>I will be one of the survivors in any event. A bold statement to make but physcologically prepration is one of the real keys to survival. I read the newspaper, watch TV. and read the posts of several different news websites but what am I missing? There is a lot going on in this world that we do not see. <br><br>Here are my circiumstances: I live in semi-rural Georgia and commute 36 miles(one way) to work. I work in an office with a limited personal zone(7 by 7 cubicle). I drive a Ford Ranger truck with toolbox. I have my own house.<br>My questions for those who have input on survival subjects:<br>1. If you had only $1000 to purchase a rifle, pistol, magazines, ammo, cleaning equipment, slings, scope(s), and other support supplies, what would you have?<br>2. For food, would you have canned, freezedried, or raw materials(flour,rice)? Or maybe a mixture?<br>3. I need suggestions for bugout kits for work, truck, and my car. I already keep 10-15 days worth of food, water, medical kit, blankets, and heating/cooking equip. at work. What should I have in the vehicle? Weapons? Food? <br><br>Peace,<br><br>They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. <br>—Benjamin Franklin<br>Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 <br><br>Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. <br>—Thomas Jefferson <br>