I remember reading some survivalist material that spoke of the necessity to be prepared to defend your stash of goodies against the onslaught of the unprepared. I didn't pay much attention because I would simply not desire to survive in a circumstance that required me to shoot my neighbor to protect my rice. However, I ran into a microcosm of that situation last week. I was on a five hour flight that, because of some problem I did not understand and was not well-explained, was not able to serve the food that they had planned to. I, having taken to heart the lessons of this site, had energy bars and other goodies that were certainly more nourlishing and probably much better tasting than the Airline supper that I was going to miss. The problem was that a very nice couple with three small children were sitting next to (and if front of) me. The kids got really hungry and therefore very grouchy and cranky. Obviously there was no way that I was going to be able to take out my goodies and enjoy my "emergency" supper. Naturally the kids got the energy bars and trail mix, and I got the gratitude of the parents. It reminded me that, at least with regard to consumable "emergency" items, we are probably preparing for someone else in greater need at the time of the emergency. But hey---nothing wrong with that....right?<br><br>Robb