Andy - Yeah, about the best I can spare this year is a week or so in the mountains... as for keeping up, I was kidding - forget it - takes too long to rid me of the dings now - "cost" of doing what I can do goes up (slowly). Desk job doesn't help (mood or otherwise).<br><br>Had a blast this past weekend anyway - I *think* I can at last slip out of the "carry some extra stuff in case __________ forgets xyz" mode. These kids are going to do just fine. What a diverse collection of gear! A universal shortcoming seems to be packable stoves - not a problem this past weekend; we were in an area with designated fire "rings" (and that's all - no grills or stuff - just a place) and they know how to manage with wood fires. But some future trips will press the issue - I have a number of ideas for them to explore - all simple and cheap (most could go buy a stove, but...)<br><br>Ahhh... looking forward to next weekend already - another opportunity to be outdoors with like-minded folks, although it will be to facilitate on a ropes course.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Tom<br><br>