I could hit the road in about 5 minutes in most circumstances.

My BOB sits at the foot of my bed fully loaded. On top of it or sitting on a chair nearby are the clothes I will wear the next day. The pants are already threaded by a belt with my Charge Ti and flashlight attached. Beside the BOB lay my selection of shoes and boots. Next to my bed on the 'puter desk rests my PSK and my folders, wallet, keys and cell phone.

Now, if I think I will have time to fill my Thermobak I'll do so, but if not I'll grab a case of bottled water on the way out and worry about filling it until I have the time to spare.

If I can take my car, then that's a bonus. I have a second PSK in the glove box an extra first aid kit under the passenger seat, a cooler in the trunk with a roadside emergency kit in it, heavier emergency equipment attached to the trunk lid, smaller equipment behind one wheel well, collapsable water carriers in the other, and even a folding camp chair. (More than a few people have complained about my lack of trunk space when going on trips HAHAHA)

If I can't take the car I'll miss the extra equipment, but it's nothing I couldn't survive without.

I plan on getting a Mountain Bike and a Yak trailer for it soon, and when I do, having to load them up on the car will take a little time and effort of course.

On my way out, I'll try to call family and friends via cell. Hopefully I'll be able to get through to them.
"Learn survival skills when your life doesn't depend on it."