I don't really know how to answer this question - seriously! I happen to be at my desk at work - in my pocket is my "Micro" kit - which has and assortment of small first aid stuff (4" gauze pads and down - includes antibiotic) - my edc big bag (on the chair next to the door) has a bigger first aide kit (trauma bandages and down - also includes emt shears, betadine, etc etc that won't FIT in the pockets) - sitting on the credenza next to me is a company supplied "first aid" kit that my boss was going to toss out because the drugs went out of date (I replaced the drugs, checked stock on the other stuff, and leave it out for others to see), and then my personal "stash" is kept in my desk draw

So, is my first aid kit in my EDC bag? Yeah - but it's also in a seperate bag. Am I paranoid about first aid? Yeah, I guess, but I've been that way ever since the day, as a young teen, when I was first on scene at a NASTY car accident, and wished I had a heck of a lot more first aid stuff than I did (and yes, I had taken my Boy scout First Aid merit badge at that point, and ay least had a clue)
73 de KG2V
You are what you do when it counts - The Masso
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