Hi everyone,

As I'm reading Winter Wise by Montague Alford (nice little book and really affordable) I noticed that the author wears wool pants with suspenders. I thought there was a reason for wearing suspenders and no belt particularly during winter. So I found this text on the site www.jackmtn.com/gear.html

"The old loggers who spent their lives in the woods wore suspenders
to keep their pants up in cold weather. They were practical people,
and as such there was a reason they did so. Tight clothing was always
avoided, as it is uncomfortable and doesn't insulate nearly as well
as loose clothing. Having your pants tight around your waist, either
by the nature of how they fit or the use of a belt, stops the warm
air generated by your legs from rising to warm your upper body.
In warmer weather this warm, moist air contributes to overheating
and sweating in the crotch area, which can be uncomfortable or worse
on a long trip. Using suspenders and a loose waist allows it to rise
and escape through an unbuttoned shirt. In bitter cold conditions
it helps to keep you warmer by allowing the warm air generated by
your legs to rise and warm your upper body."

I think it's a pretty good explanation and makes sense. I would like to get a pair of Filson but I'm not sure where I can try some on here and they are not inexpensive. Do you wear suspenders? Do you know any good alternative brands of wool pants with suspender buttons?

Thank you