Survival *is* first and foremost, -very much about Looking Out for One's Self! Reliance on others, as you speak of, (and such *does* have its Advantages and Points, -some of which you mention), -can run directly Inconsistant and Counter to this! Going it Alone, "Every Person for Themself", -has many an Advantage and Point to it as well!

This being so, -I much Agree with the Spirit and Content, -which people like Tom so mention here. I'm a "give the Shirt Off my Back!", -to one without a shirt, -kind of guy. Very Warmly, Sincerely, and Gladly so! So long as I *have* a shirt to give! So long as I can feasably spare such. To cite the "Comfortably Up on the Mountaintop" example which someone in this thread has given, -I'd feel self consciously Not Right, -if I had, could give, but didn't give, -*to such Worthily Accepting (in Spirit and Manner) of Recipients* But (*...'s*) the Key Benchmark and Criterion here. If on the other hand, -they are a Covetous Mob down there in the Valley, -then Heck, -I wouldn't lose a moment's Sleep or Sweat! While I have it Good! / They Suffer to Heck, -down there! That is a Key Qualification that I would add to the "Fellow Man(kind)" / "We're all in this Together!", -view of you, Tom, and others. Even within a Group, -when it really gets down to some Pinches, -Guess who many group members are going to Look Out for first! Here it will largely to entirely NOT be the Larger Interests and Common Good of the Group!.....!

To your preference, -my Heart is Always There! My Head is or is Not,-depending on the overall Reception and Situation!

Its the Christmas Holiday Season now! Everyone's for the *Reformed* Scrooge Warmly, Sincerely, and Enthusiastically shouting out "Merry Christmas!", -on Christmas morning!

But what if the *Townsfolk* greeted him in the streets below, -with only a Cold, Blank Stare!? Being actually Scrooges themselves! Can even a Reformed Scrooge be here Blamed?!, -if he gets Second Thoughts of "Why do I Bother?!" And considers going back to his Old Self?! See, -the Townsfolk have got their Role and Part to play here too! its *not* all on Scrooge! If the Townsfolk of our Society want to Grab and Grub up all my Stores and Gear! And as much as be willing to kill me to get it, -then I have no Moral Compunction or Misgivings, -about sitting comfortably up on the Mountaintop, -while they suffer and all down below! I'd still *like* to Help! But they've got to play their requisite part in this too. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]Susan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.