"driving around looking at the devastation wasting gas"

I'll be reading the diary after breakfast to put this statement in context.

My thoughts on "driving around" after a crisis:

When normal communications are down or limited, getting a feel for the lay of the land can be vital to your survival.

Knowing what roads and bridges are out. Where is help available? Where, "not" to go. Etc... If "Bug Out" becomes necessary, what is the best route?

I plan on doing passive recon (Radio, TV, 2m ham, scanner) during the initial phase of a crisis. If the need warrants, I will do some limited "armed recon" in my Urban Assault Vehicle (Toyota FJ60 LandCruiser). I would not consider this a waste of fuel.

Any "recon" whether on foot, bicycle, motorcycle or auto needs to be done intelligently. Know where you are going. Know the culture of the local area (are these folks more likely to slit your throat for your car stereo, or are they more likely to lend a hand in a crisis). I can say my tactics would be very different in So. Cal (my old home), compared to the Puget Sound area.

Somtimes doing something is the best thing to do. Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do. Know the risks. Manage the risks.

TR (Topping off his tanks)