Personally I am not impressed with any replacement warranty, high end steel, video of people disembowling car doors, marketing names that would humble Excalibur and everything else the seller uses to exchange product for pieces of paper. A knife is a cutting tool, not a prybar, axe,spear,can opener, signal mirror or grappling hook.The most generous warranty in the world is of no value in a true survival or extended wilderness excursion should you break the knife. I can destroy utterly any knife on earth, including the infamous british MOD4- and I did. I don't understand the terms 'comfort' and 'convenience' either. Are we talking ergonomics? Any pictorial history of knives will have you shocked at humanity's ability to rise from tundra and savanna hunters to a modern knife forum. What was Oetzi thinking with that stupid dagger and copper axe? Danial Boone's long knife taken from a slain indian, now theres a winner and look at those Green river skinners sold by the gross in spite of awful square handles that skinned an entire species down to a handfull of survivors. I'd take a deep breath and rethink the whole knife thing. What are you carrying now? How will you improve on it with any of these selections? Are there alternative strategies to recover an arrow without using your knife? ALL KNIVES, from the Hibben fantasy monstrosities to a museum's prized Katana cut one object with deadly accuracy- your pursestrings.