I use dehydrated meat, either salt cured and smoked, or seasoned and dehydrated in the oven or a food dehydrator. For Pemmican, I take it beyond the jerky stage, which still has some residual moisture.

Meat thus cured is not what you'd call cooked, but is rendered safe. In fact, as long as it is reasonably fresh to begin with, it is safer than cooked meat. Without moisture, the wee beasties find dehydrated food fairly inhospitable. The primary purpose of the suet, or tallow, besides being a binder, is to create a moisture barrier that seals the meat and prevents spoilage. Salting the suet or tallow or adding vitamin c helps keep it from rancidating as well.

I've never heard of anyone using raw meat, and cooked meat isn't what you're looking for either. You gotta think in terms of indian lore.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)