An absolute must have in your video library! With three hours of great narrative, and practical demonstrations and comparisons of survival equipment, I would give these DVD's two thumbs way up.

Doug, a Job Well Done for providing the viewer with a great overview of what it takes to Survive.

I also have to complement Gretchen Cordy on her ability to present clear and simple instructions related to survival tools and their uses.

You don't need to be a wilderness novice like me to benefit from the basic theory and practical side of these videos. There is something for all ages including some beautiful scenes at the end of the second CD.

This set is an exceptional value considering it may just save your life, or someone you love (but only if they watch it). Additionally, some of the proceeds go directly to this foundation.

Thanks again Doug for being a part of this outstanding video. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I can only hope that everyone on this forum will buy the set and share it with others.