I was just re-reading Doug's Earthquake & Disaster Preparedness Kits article, and something struck me. He was talking about gathering supplies and then says, "Keep the existence of these supplies a secret from all others. Loose lips can result in stolen or pilfered supplies. When you need them, they may not be there."

In another article he relates the story of a friend who cut themselves rather seriously and by-passed a police officer and first aid tent to find Doug because the friend knew Doug would have something to take care of it. He then says he could have worse reputations.

My question is, do people in your home areas know that you are someone who is equipped? Neighbors, friends, relatives, etc. I'm guessing folks out there aren't living secret, preparedness lives, and I'm pretty sure no one keeps a neon sign in the front yard saying, "Prepared". (Maybe my idea for the ETS bumper stickers wasn't so good, eh?)

Do you think it's about living your life, and not advertising it? I'm interested in getting my community more aware of preparedness needs, but at the same time I don't want to open myself up for supply confiscation if a situation arises.

Where's the balance?
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)