I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with something like the 65 gallon tank on this page?

When looking at earthquake prep in our area and then looking at what happened with Katrina, I was thinking it would be nice to have 50-60 gallons of water.

When you look at storing that amount of water in small containers, it starts to get a bit challenging, esp. in regards to rotation and maint.

So, what I'm thinking about now, is a two prong approach. A large container with a fair amount of water (see tank) and then some number of smaller, portable containers.

The idea is that the large container should be easy to maintain - you could drain and re-fill very quickly and you don't have a bunch of containers to deal with. With the larger container, you don't need as many smaller containers so less work. They act as a backup in case anything happens to the larger container and are portable.

The gotcha is that I'm not really that familar with this type of container.


