The orignal Leatherman was innovative. If you can USE and keep a Leatherman from bending or breaking after a few months, keep it. The best thing to come from Leatherman was the idea of the multitool. It took SOG, Gerber and Victorinox to make it a sturdy, reliable item! I will say it again, I have owned 5 Leatherman tools, all but one broke on limited use. The one intact has never been used for anything except to fill drawer space. Leatherman could design a titanium tool with gold inlay and a geiger counter, I will never own another one!! Oh, and if I have a cork in a bottle that I want out, I will get it out, corkscrew or no corkscrew. It may never go back in, but hey just drink faster:)
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!