In a few weeks, I'll be posting a series of videos to that shows - exactly - what to do. My day job has been really hectic, and I've not has the time to do it.

Suffice it to say that man-made tinder trumps any natural tinder you find 80% of the time. Basically, you can mess around with shaving dry sticks and all that, and scratch and scratch to get a flame, or you can toss an oil-soaked cotton ball into a puddle, hit it with a spark and WHOOSH the flames start. Really. I just did a test on this very method yesterday - I dug a small hole, dumped in some water, three an oil soaked cotton ball into the little puddle and lit it with one spark of a Magfire.

If you don't have the advantage of man-made tinder, you need to have fine, dry "wispy" bits of dry stuff - grass is particularly good, but some shreds of dry bark and bits of tiny wood will be a start. You need to hold your striker edge pretty still and pull the firesteel back - this concentrates the spark in one general area. Press HARD on the striker - you want bits of metal flying off and sparking in your tinder pile.

The other advice you have here is good, I'll annouce the videos when I have them online.