Remembering an old funny story...

There was a terrible rain strom - food warnings went out over the TV and radio news - Evacuate Now! A Smugly Religious Person (SRP) said "I don't have to evacuate, God will save me."

The next day the water was at the doorstep of the house - a National Guard truck came by. "God wil save me!", the SRP shouted and away went the truck.

The next day the water was up to the second story - a boat came by. "God wil save me!", the SRP shouted and away went the boat.

The next day the water was up to the roof - a helicopter came by. "God wil save me!", the SRP shouted and away went the helicopter.

That night, the water rose above the roof and the SRP drowned. When the SRP reached the Pearly Gates, the SRP asked St. Peter what happened, why hadn't God saved him? St. Peter replied "Who do you think sent the truck, boat and helicopter?"