WE've reiterated this point on a few different threads now, so let's repeat the mantra that we've developed.

Don't advertise that you are equipped to survive. Keep your supplies hidden and well secured. Be prepared to defend yourself and your property, as is your constitutional right.

Unless you hand it over, no one has the right to come into your home and seize property you are legally entitled to own and possess. No one. Not for any reason. Regulatory takings must be adjudicated and warranted prior to the action. This gives you foreknowledge of the intended confiscation, allowing you some opportunity to relocate, if possible. Worst case scenario, they come to take my stuff, they find it either a pile of ashes, mixed with something nasty, or otherwise rendered useless. If I am gonna share, it will be up to me, or no one gets it. It's almost as bad as them spending my money for me, oh wait, they're already doing that, aren't they?

If they don't know it is there, why would they think of asking you for it?

Why is it I feel like I am in a Mel Gibson movie?
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)