Skunkabilly,<br><br><br>Personally, I carry Ibuprofen. As an OTC pain reliever/fever reducer/swelling reducer, it works great. Tylenol (acetomenifen sp?) has similar properties. Asprin does not reduce fevers or swelling and has the risk of thinning blood (which is why it's reccomended for heart attacks). I have no history of heart problems or high blood pressure, and I like the additional benefits of the other drugs, so I carry Ibuprofen. Why not the Tylenol? Ibuprofen is cheaper around here.<br><br>What do use it for? In the normal course of my life, I take it often (2-3 times per week). I work construction...lots of heavy lifting, bumps, bruises, contusions, strained/sprained this and that, the occasional laceration, etc... Sometimes taking something to take the edge off of one (or two, or three...) of those types of things is all that keeps me going. I also suffer from migraines, and while 800mg of Motrin doesn't solve one of those, it takes me from being completely unable to function (curled up on the floor, vomitting) to a very limited amount of function. <br><br>In a survival situation, I would take them for similar things. A clear head is the most important survival tool. It is hard to think and concentrate when you're hurting.<br><br><br>Andy