Our local elementary school emergency plans overview:

Each classroom has a daypack first-aid kit. Each room has Rubbermaid type container with "comfort kits" for each child. The parents are responsible to put together a basic kit in a 1 gallon zip lock bag (water, snacks, photos, letters, flashlight etc). In an emergency the teacher dons the first-aid back pack and drags the rubbermaid container outside the door, a short distance from the building. The rubbermaid container is left there unless needed.

All employees and students go to the play ground and face away from the school. The students are in single file lines by classroom. An inventory is made to be sure that everyone is out of the building. Outside all or the schools are large freight type containers filled with water food and other emergency supplies if needed.

The school staff has two-way radios to communicate with each other and the district office. Each school has detailed plans for each type of emergency (It exists, but I don’t know all the details). These plans can range from earthquakes, to gunman in school, to bears on school grounds.

The office staff has lists of what to do with each child in an emergency. The parents sign a form requesting their preference.
1. The child can wait at school for a parent to pick up. The child cannot be released without the parent signing the student out.
2. If busses are available, and the parents have approved this method of going home, the kids will be bussed home.
3. The parents can pre-approve another adult to pick up their child.

I hope this of some help to you.