Schwert,<br>This is just the sort of information I was looking for! Thanks!<br><br>You definately have a bunch of gear there!. I noticed a great redundancy in writing gear. Is that occupational or do you consider that a survival issue? Why?<br>You certainly have the communications issues covered with the radios and repeater knowledge - Great example.<br>Your methods of carry are as important as what you carry. Seems to me that you are very well prepared but would look pretty normal as an urbanite with the Filsons vest concealing most of the items. I am in the process of ordering one of those #8 filson vests. I must say that they are very accomodating. With the trial garment option to get the sizing right and all. I will probably keep the tin-cloth version that I am using for sizing anyhow since we get a rather warm and humid summer here in NH. Thanks for putting me onto Filsons - Great place but those prices! definately not something I am going to buy a lot of.