Hi all first time poster here

New to this area but with disasters lately and terrorism want to be ready.

After living with small car small apartment etc. I am ready to settle down a bit more with perhaps a larger house, more practical vehicle, and most importantly carry around what I need for emergencies and be ready for anything and enjoy the outdoors more.

1) First question: I want a watch that's great for survival and luxurious (by that I mean good looking watch and I wouldn't mind spending $100 or so). I think I also want a compass on it. Anything fit this description? Solar would be cool too.

2) I want a good book on survival and/or hunting. I own 1 handgun and looking into perhaps a bow/arrow. I heard there's an SAS survival book that's good.

3) Anything else I should know? I also am looking into Leatherman for a multitool everyday carry.

4) Vehicle: Considering a diesel truck. Because it's cheaper and big/versatile. Prefer a pickup over a SUV but may get SUV if nothing much available.

Anything else? Hi all. Introduce yourself if you have a second. And maybe why you joined here!