I know the show has some detrators. Granted, some of what's portrayed might not align perfectly with our own experiences, skills, knowledge etc. This forum illustrates that there's "more than one way to skin a cat."

I think we have to cut him a little slack. Fact that he's the subject and cameraman at same time has to influence what we see; a lot no doubt ends up on the cutting-room floor after editing; and he necessarily has to keep the show appealing to a wide audience.

More to the point, the particular value for me is that the show creates a greater awareness of the challenges I might encounter in a forced wilderness situation, and skill/knowledge areas I'm lacking. In other words, it gets me thinkin'.

Also like the fact that he's using a wide variety of locations (artic, desert, mountains), each with its own unique challenges.

My 1-4 day backpack excursions are always under controlled conditions: plenty of water, food, maps, state-of-the-art equipment, and, typically, a hiking companion. Hard for me to conjure up "what if" scenarios when I'm having a good time.


"Things that have never happened before happen all the time." — Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety