I am slowly adding more and more items to my kits, and my latest purchase is some Glo-Toobs and I thought I'd ask some of your opinions or experiences with them.


I dont have too many choices down here and these seem to be the most robust type of this style of lights I could get my hands on.
I was thinking of shipping some Krill lights from the US because I cant find any in Australia, but with the costs and hassles etc I chose these instead. (I still might import some though)

I have white, blue and amber Glo-Toob FX lights. I tried to get red but they were sold out.

So far I like the amber light, and its already stashed in the car.
I like the white light too, but I haven't made up my mind about the blue light. Its not a bright and its been my experience that blue attracts the mozzies.
I like the small size too, but I dont like the fact that they use another size battery (12volt A23 size)
The mode changes took me a while to work out too, but I've got that worked out now.

So has anybody had any good/bad experiences with them?
Any other comments or opinions about them?
Any suggestions of alternatives? (Especially if they use AA)

Thanks Wayne