At the risk of beating a horse (dead or otherwise), I tend to agree with the above opinions. I fancy myself as a "Practical" person. So breaking it down:

>>Don't be so worried and keep on living.

Nobody is worried, a) they have already made all resonable precautions, or b) they don't think it can happen to them. Either way no one is worring.

>>If there was a real emergency that would require immediate
>>evacuation, I could easily throw a bunch of clothing items, my
>>PSK and some food in a large bag and then leave.

Possibly yes, always no. Not in every emergency is it totally clear what is going on. And not every emergency lends itself to last minute preparations. Generally, emergencies are unpredictable, if they were predictable, they would just be events, and there would be folks drinking beer and eating hotdogs outside the venue.

Finally, just as I stated under another thread. The value is not that you will have to use your BOB. The value is if you choose to use it, it will be ready. I personally think it is a mistake to think you can be just as effective/complete in assembling a BOB in 30 seconds as in 30 minutes (especially considering you could be living out of it for 30 hours or days). The quality of the kit will suffer. Last, while your assembling your Bag, the guy down the road is Bailing.

No offense intended, just my observations. I too wrestle with what events are practical to prepare for, so I just focus on the conditions I would like to avoid.
