Chris,<br><br>I was showing a fellow commuter on the train the Military fishing kit. He's an avid fly fisherman and was impressed on the depth of items included in the kit. He did comment, that it needed more flies (naturally!). Here's his list of what he would include:<br><br>Adams<br>Cadis Fly<br>Stone fly<br>Mickey Finn (salt water)<br>15" fly line<br><br>He said that thsi assortment would cover most common conditions one may run into during a season. Keep in mind that he fishes from the midwest and into the Rockies, at least from what I recall of previouis conversations.<br><br>One caveat, I'm not a fly fisherman (I'm not even a regular fisherman), so I can't vouch for the items on his list. But I thought I'd share his thoughts for thos that are interested. The flies are small and not too expensive, so they could be added to a PSK with little trouble.
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL