A good point all people who carry tools should soberly consider is hereI'm scared but I don't really want to hurt him...

I think we all should print it out and give a copy to our " little sisters".

benjammin, one of the best posts I've read, ever. Congrats.

My thought is this....if you have a firearm and you pull it out...LTL or not....it is CAPABLE of and generally seen as LETHAL force. If you want LTLONLY then go completely LTL.

There are new tasers available for use that work even on drug hyped perps. Even the manufacturer of that says that it is for deployment at the 15-20 ft range. That is well within the the lethal range of 21 feet that officers are advised on. So if someone is with range of the taser and they have a knife......lethal force is justified. Many have said that the taser is good for those who CAN"T go with a firearm or for those who Won't (for whatever reason).

Probably a good tool in the toolbox of those who can't go with a gun. Still, pain compliance in general has great limitations, this one is a good example:
Lies, dammned lies and the Myotron

All good things...
a) come to those who wait.
b) come to an end.