Well, I don't have a little sister, but I do have a wife that doesn't particularly like guns a lot, but does understand the need.

I didn't post this here because of the increased sensitivity here on ETS in recent months about guns and the lets be more friendly to all the outsiders that come along. A good policy I believe, but things can get out of hand in both directions. Anyway, I digress.

My wife is currently in her 3rd year of law school and in the spring there was a contest sponsored by the second amendment society. She decided to enter and ended up winning the contest. The paper discusses why going against the right to carry is a violation of gender equality.

I got her permission to post the paper on line after receiving a lot of requests to read it.

It is about 8 pages total. Link as follows if you are interested.


On that forum I go by Vinosaur (nickname from my Navy days). Only thing left out are the footnotes.
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.