When hunting deer, many think that the mature buck is the smartest animal on 4 legs. The truth is, a mature doe is a hunters greatest adversary. Everyone agrees that a female bear would rip you apart if you came near her cubs, but most don't give doe the same credit. Why? They're both female. Doe are extremely wary and closing in on them, with their young, is very difficult. I think that fact that there are more doe to see and shoot gives them the "easy" rap.

My wife is not much of an outdoorswoman and the sweetest woman you could meet. She should really have been a kindergarten teacher. But come near one of our daughters in an unkind way and she would grab her 357 from under the bed, blow your head off, and have dinner on the table by 5. She absolutely adored our dog (1/2 Rott and 1/2 Lab). He was really her first child in a sense, until he growled at our first daughter. That happened one time. A couple broom sticks later and he's our girls best friend. Don't screw with mom. Truth is, she'd probably shoot you before I would. And I'm still not certain who the better shot is.

Guns are not for everyone and I never tried to talk anyone into to getting one. I don't know if your sister is a mother, but if she is, and the time came, I think she'd have a harder time stopping after the the third or forth shot.