Hey gang, I am back in Baghdad now.

I got my MMR vaccination only because I didn't have my shot record from before.

I already had tetanus shot.

I took oral Typhoid vaccine. More effective than the shot and no needles, but makes you a little ill.

Hep A and Hep B as a Twin RX combination, so only one needle, but you have to go back for two boosters within 18 months. I missed mine, so will have to start over.

Up north they are doing Malaria treatments, but it is tricky. The meds you have to take can make you Psychotic.

Those are the most common shots internationally. Cholera is on the list, but not needed here according to CDC.

Physical fitness is probably the biggest factor in surviving disease. You are bound to catch something. Your condition will determine how well you can survive. E coli doesn't kill everyone, but will make everyone very sick.

Every time I got a flu shot, I ended up catching the flu later on so bad I nearly have to be hospitalized.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)