My wife and I watch Survivor (Yes. I'm admitting to it in public. It's basically a soap opera set in the pseudo-wilderness (teams of cameramen hoovering around the camp and EMTs in helicoters 5 minutes away is not the true wilderness) I enjoy it because of the stupid, boneheads they get (on purpose I believe) and the stupid bonehead decisions they make.<br><br>Last night, the losing team voted off an ex-fighter pilot. He was the only guy on the team that knew what he was doing and displayed leadership, which is exactly why the voted him off. His skills and knowledge threatened them.<br><br>So, Chris, rest assured that you wouldn't last a week on that show (that's meant as a compliment).<br><br>I just have to add that my biggest laugh came from an early epsode last year in the Austrailian outback. They were trying to light a fire using a bow and stick to no avail. The woman who spearheaded the effort laments, "This is exactly how they did it in the book!" What a bonehead! (Have I said bonehead enough times?) You know you're going to the outback with limited resources in pseudo-survivla situation, and you never even tried to light a fire once before you left??? <br><br>Practice. Practice. Practice.<br><br>Anyway, should be an interesting April 1. :-)
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL