> new, improved food pantry

So you are planning to shelter in place, rather than bug out? For the current situation that would be the wrong choice.

> I know it will take up more room

In my experience ease of use is more important than bulk. But large pre-packed multi-packs are often easier.

> being lazy and "just using something and put it back later".

Buy what you eat and eat what you buy. The second part of that means you should be continually taking stuff from your store (and replacing it). That is why ease of use, and access, is so important. Every time I go to the supermarket, the stuff I buy goes to the bottom of the stack. I consume stuff off the top. So each week I am shuffling tins around.

> I want to eat as much normal food as possible.

Good - that's the first part - "buy what you eat". Comfort foods are good for morale. Morale is important for survival.

> individual water bottles for drinking and I also thought about putting some of them in boxes
> with foods that would require them for cooking

I don't know about that. I keep water separately and I'll decide at the time whether to use it for cooking or drinking. A lot will depend on circumstance; eg whether I've had a chance to fill the bath up before the mains supply gets compromised.
Quality is addictive.