This will sound crazy, but I sure don't claim to be all knowing. I build monolithic domes for a living. Last year a built two domes for a couple of family's who told me of a planet that was discovered in 1983. It is on a 3650 year orbit of our sun. They told me that it is coming back May of 2003. There will be what is called a pole shift. When this planet pass by, the earth is supposed to stop in its rotation for about 3 days. Ya, I know, it gets better. Anyway, after it stops it will rotate about 90 degrees, as the earth tries to align its self with the more powerful pull of this planet. After it passes, the earth will start to rotate again. Now the bad thing is that the population of the earth will be reduced by 70-90%. From what I have read and found, the earth will rotate in about an hour. Which means our oceans will be sloshing inland for several hundred miles. I am not going to get into everything as there is so much that I have read from Mars polar ice melting, animals flash frozen with tropical vegetation in there teeth and stomach, earth warming , volcanic activity up 1500% in the past 20 years, earth quakes up 1200% in the same amount of time, and I could go on and on. I have looked at and they really sound crazy, but what do I know. It is a mighty big area out there that we call space. I did look at it for along time, but never really put to much stock in it as I am very busy with work. Now I am finding out that the people I am building for, not all but enough, are preparing for this event. These people are HIGH ranking military, Gov., and scientist that do not strike me as run of the mill idiots like myself, but what do I know. I do not know these people other than what they tell me. I do know they have the money to do what they want. Anyone who could give me info or could possibly know someone who could confirm or hopfully give proof that this will not happen would be great. Please don't write and say you are crazy this is so bad that it couldn't possibly happen because I don't want it to, there for it won't. Again I am not predicting the end of the world or trying to cause yet another crazy scare. I am looking for anyone with info, RELIABLE info. I am using this as another avenue of gathering info. By the way my doctor says I am not crazy as long as I stay on my meds and see him twice a week. Just kidding. Well here I go sending this into the lions den for everyone to tear me apart, lets hear it ladies and men.