I agree with you that there are things that parents should be teaching. The thing is, they expect (when it comes to things like knives and fires and knowing what leave is safe to whipe your butt with) to BSA, becuase thier scout leaders taught them. Just like they expect the schools to teach thier kids everything else. <br><br>Instead, at least in my experinces, the local scout troops seem to specialize in recreational crafts therapy for bipedal vegetables. So the kids who want to learn either suffer or leave.<br><br>As for spending time, wish it was more. My brother and I are fighting the trend that my former sister-in-law propegates- let someone else do your thinking for you, and you will be ok, becuase they will feed you and entertain you. <br><br>And he'd probably scare his scout leaders into gibbering insanity- if we can keep his mother from corrupting him too much, he's going to be bigger, faster, stronger and smarter than anyone in his pear group. Not to mention a lot more confident and skilled. His brain will either explode from overload or he'll be mistaken for a god by the time he's 25. :)<br><br>

Edited by Cyberraven (03/15/02 12:45 AM)