I've been reading the U.S. Homeland Security site on the topic:


It does seem the larger commercial water containers are the best bet. The site recommends rotating out commercially prepared water at least yearly.

Regarding the rice, my advice is to go with MRE's or canned food. In an emergency rice just takes too many resources to prepare (clean water, fuel). Canned food doesn't really need to be cooked (it is cooked in the canning process) and doesn't need any extra water).

The Homeland Security site for storing emergency food is at http://www.nationalterroralert.com/readyguide/foodstorage.htm

The Katrina disaster has me thinking ... those poor people aren't worrying about their knives, flashlights, or firestarters are good enough. Their primary focus is on water, food, prescription medicines, and shelter. The also are focusing on clean clothing & personal hygeine. It has been very eye-opening for me.

The department of homeland security suggests having:

<>Water - 1 gallon/person/day - at least 3-10 days stored
<>Food - canned, easy-prep - don't forget the can opener <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
<>First aid kit - including any prescriptions or personal meds needed
<>Clothing - one change of clothing and footwear per person
<>Radio - battery powered, extra batteries
<>Flashlight(s) - extra batteries
<>Extra set of car keys
<>Credit card/cash/traveler's checks
<>Sanitation supplies (chlorine bleach, wet wipes)
<>Glasses - extra pair