All my critical pieces are either AA or at least one of the redundancies is. What I did do was go through and cut out almost everything that wasn't AA, AAA or 123 from my inventory, and those three are all that carry EDC or in BOB.

Exceptions to the rule: C-cells in my big Mags, and a couple of 9V items in my tool kit. None of which are terribly mobile items for me.

As for money being the driving force, very wrong in spirit but close in essance. Newer technology is always more expensive, always will be. If you want something more advanced than a basic alkaline, you have to pay for it. If you want it small, you have to pay for it. If you want it potent and/or with enhanced shelf life, you pay for it. You can have it good, fast or cheap- pick the one you need and the one you want, but don't count on the third unless it's stolen or broken.