HUH? wasp nest makes good tinder? Hmmm... I use it for the exact opposite reason to load shot in a flinter, ad the nest does not ember like cotton patches do... Hmmm....<br><br>Yup I have a copy of a 2 finger steel. they existed..... I have a 2 fisted kitchen stell too... the rest are slight 4 finger steels...<br><br>Braddocks Road in Md? it is said he buried under the road there..... no marker, as the body was hidden.... perhaps not in Md at all... One can never tell with the way records were kept...... My Grande Mother was born in Novia Scotia and the townhall burned to th ground..... So she lied about her age and no one could prove, tell, figure out how old she was...<br><br>I will have to test the wasp nest.... Hair works great if you can stand the stink..... but in a true mess I could.... I seem to have gobs of hair to spare still at 50.... Mac