Andy,<br><br>Close, perhaps very close, but no cigar. <br><br> While you were early (I keep all my outgoing email and my reply to you was on 11/30/98), not quite early enough. The frist email I have that mentions an Altoids tin was off the primitive survival listserve on 1/9/98, first message to me suggesting one for use in a PSK was on 4/5/98. You appear to have been number six in that sequence. <br><br>Bear in mind that I started using this email software when I got my new computer at that time for the holidays in 1997, anything prior would have been lost and quite frankly, I don't really recall if there was one prior. That was also not long after the first PSK kit info was posted to ETS, where I requested other suggestions. <shrug><br><br>What a trip down memory lane...<br>
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation