I've been spending some time lately browsing these pages trying to determine how best to go about putting together my own survival kit. I've now got one together, based on Doug Ritter's survival kit, but I could't find a suitable rectangular tin. So, being that I am a new father again, I stole one of the baby's Penaten Cream tins. The only downfall is it is circular. But I think I 've managed to put a good deal in it. I couldn't quite get everything that Doug has in his, and I've added a couple of things of my own. <br><br>Does anyone have any experience with round tins verses rectangular ones? I find that it actually works better as my snare wire, thread, and nylon line can all be coiled into the bottom of the tin. My Penaten Cream Tin has a volume of 10.67 cubic inches where Doug's has a volume of 10.98 cubic inches, but obviously I am limited by the shape of the can. All my space is used up by packing with smaller items like safety pins and dryer lint for fire starter. I also came across some alcohol preps from a first aid kit, similar to small individually packaged wet wipes. These contain isopropyl alcohol. Would these be viable fire starters as well? <br><br>I am going to find some waterproof paper and cut it into circular pages which will fit into the upper tin and also protect my shiny inner surface. One of these sheets of paper will also contain survival notes.<br><br>So rounds tins versus rectangular ones! Any comments?<br><br>Ironbird<br><br>