Thanks for the great response everyone! Lots of great advice! A long post is in the works and will follow, but for now a few of the changes I have made include:

1.I.C.E is now in my cell phone
2.I have purchused two large door stops
3.Paper Clips have been exchange for more Saftey Pins (various sizes)
4.Twisty-Ties have been exchanged for mini Cable Ties
5.Window Punch has been nixed (maybe later I'll add to keychain)
6.MRE has been nixed for weight savings
7.A Fox 40 will replace my old metal whistle on keychain (in addition to the Storm).
8.A Wave will replace my Swiss Champ and Pliers
9.Fire Proof Gloves sound like a great idea, but kinda expensive...
10.Chem Light Holder has been nixed
11.Tissues added
12.MPB (maxpedition) will be purchased and this should greatly help with organization
14.Hammer has been nixed
15.Bug spray nixed
16.Suntan lotion nixed
17.Pry bar will stay, think I will buy a titanium version for weight savings.
18.NATO Matches will replace current Matches
19.Exacto knife nixed
20.Lexan spoon will be added