Mr. Brian-

While I have no comprehensive review to offer, I will say that my mini Zippo has performed flawlessly backpacking, rock climbing, lighting the occasional cigar, and for all other uses I've had for it. Just today, driving down I-459 to pick up our take-out dinner, with the driver's and rear sliding glass windows open in my Frontier, I lit my Zippo as a test. It burned well for 30 seconds (a little more than half a mile @ 80 MPH). I don't know what other lighters everyone uses, but I'll take my Zippo any day. I've heard reports of mountaineers using them @ 14K + where fancy Bruntons and the like failed. I do keep a few WP-WP matches and strikers in my wallet, EDC, and truck kit, but my Zippo is my main fire source in time of need. I refill once a week, BTW.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Dynamo (08/02/05 03:02 AM)