Thanks for your input, please forgive my miss quote. I had read it was Tom who said it. If Ben said it first, than he stole it from Tom.....LOL
I live in Baltimore which isn't that big I know, but I personal would rather be throw off a train or out of an airport than give up my rights. However, this is unrealistic for most people with family and jobs they need to get too.

I believe however, if more people were willing to take a stand. About the wrong way to do things than maybe our government would come up with the right way. After all this is a Replic we live in, isn’t it. We the people should be able to come together and say this is a bad idea; so why don’t we.
I guess that would mean we have to care about more than just are jobs and lifestyles and give a little more of our selves.

Do you really think Ben & Tom, if alive today would say to us, give up what we put our lives, the lives of our families and children on the line for, to give us a nation where we were free of terror and terrorist namely the standing army’s of the king. I think these men understood oppression and fear for live and limb all to well. That is why we have checks and balances in our constitution; to keep our government from becoming oppressing.

America is called the home of the brave because we stand up for what is right and just. Our forefather were brave because they took a stand; we shouldn't give up those liberty’s so easily cause they didn't come cheap; and once lost to us, will not come back cheaply either.