Hi, I live in the Southern Cali suburbs. I have a question regarding water preparation. I have 24 liters of Aqua Literz for my backpack and car when I need to bug out. More on that later.<br><br>For the apartment, I am reaching for a goal of two weeks, but ideally, one month of drinking water.<br><br>My question: Are the one-gallon plastic containers of water sufficient, not for long term (6 months +) storage, but to use and cycle out often, for survival? I will mark dates on them and make sure I use them and replenish the supply.<br><br>Likely scenarios in my neighborhood are: earthquakes, fire. I don't see riots happening here, but we did have some flooding 4 years ago. I do keep water in a backpack for fires when I need to abandon the apartment (about three days' worth).