Don't listen to those guys -- there is no such thing as too much line, and where we come from, no such thing as too many ways to carry water. However, I would substitute a 1 L Platypus bag or bag like this: I have had bad luck with the 'welded' edges of plastic bags.

I have used verterinary grade blood stop in the past; I ran out and an 8 oz. container is the smallest I can find.

I would upgrade the mirror, and put in more needles. I would add some sort of mini-plier even if it is just a hemostat, 'cause with cold wet hands you can't hold on to small things worth a damn.

To make room, I would give up the spoon and the bait.

I have a kit made up in a digital camera bag about the size of yours. It started out being made up of spare gear, but upgraded it leave it hidden in my truck. And I mean hidden, unfortunately.

This is mine:

Can you find a way to integrate some para cord into the overall package? Would it do you much goog to unpackage the drugs and consolidate into one vial?