Sure, it's a fun mental exercise to imagine what you would do, what you would take, if you had to bug out.

But really, I would consider bugging out as my drop-dead last resort. Firestorm. Chemical spill. And both of those should be temporary. I can't think of any other situation where leaving would be an improvement on staying.

SHTF? It's not likely to be just local! There are about 6.5 million people in my state, & approx. 300 million in this country. Everyone heads for the hills? It's going to be crowded up there. Probably 98% will run out of gas at the same time, at the 300-350 mile mark. The rest will have the 98% after them for their two jerry cans marked "water", and will probably end up with them having multiple caliber perforations or a single loud whoosh!

So, generally speaking, what's your plan? Under what conditions would you leave? Where would you go? Can you carry enough fuel to get there? Will THERE be any different from HERE by the time you get there?

Here, I've got shelter, food, water, ways to catch more water, firewood and I know (or suspect) which neighbors I can trust and which I probably can't.

The paranoia induced by limited food, limited fuel, limited water, and not being able to sleep so as to protect these limited assets doesn't sound like a picnic, either.

So.... what's your plan?
