Great subject!

I have a son that has gone from Tiger cub to Eagle Scout. I have learned most of the Scout knots. I am not familiar with several of the knots you have listed. To earn Boy Scout first class you have to demonstrate a few knots. I don’t know that these are the 10 most important. They are:
Square knot
Two half hitches
Timber hitch
Clove hitch
Lash poles using:
Square, shear, and diagonal lashing.

I like the Fisherman’s knot for tying all line and cord together. I don’t trust the sheet bend. I have tied the double sheet bend. It is better but I still don’t trust it. I like the Bowline, Sliding Bowline, and Bowline on a bite. The Bowline will not fail. The taught-line and two half hitches are needed for pitching tents. The clove hitch is great for use with lashings. You can take 3 poles and lash them together, set them up, and you have a framework for a shelter. The Cow hitch is great for hanging things on a cord around your neck. The figure eight is a great stopper knot. I don’t remember the name but the slip knot used to tie horses is useful. You twist a loop and they pull a loop, and pull a loop through that. It locks in place and comes loose with a tug of the loose end. Also the trucker’s knot is good for securing things.
Thermo-regulate, hydrate and communicate.